Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Me?

“To all the people who feel, felt or will feel lost at a certain time of their lives”

How many of us have felt lost at a certain time of their lives? Not just one, or two but the majority have crossed that path at least once or twice in their lives if not to say every time they try to make a decision related to a certain aspect of their lives.

Success is what everyone wants. We were all born with the passion to succeed and achieve. Each one of us adopts a different method leading towards that success. With that goal in mind we cross many steps in our lives, we meet various people that affect our lives in both negative and positive ways, we travel to different places and get acquainted to newer cultures, learn new languages,…And all these factors contribute to us adopting new ideas, challenging our old ones, getting rid of some of our old habits and welcoming new ones.. Then, we start to struggle in our own ways to get the perfect job that pays the most, get the highest degrees with the best future even if we don’t like the major, get married to the most successful man or woman, buy the most expensive items… So we lead a life full of non stop race and challenges, and in the midst of all this, our worries increase, our ambitions develop, and our minds give born to a situation called confusion or being lost!

In an early article of mine I have spoken about the importance of not only setting goals in life but making those goals happy ones; in the sense that if my goal or your goal is not a happy one, you will reach it after a series of hard work, sacrifices, dedication, perseverance and a whole set of motivational exercises, but you will find yourself not enjoying it once achieved..!

I always believed that each one of us has worked hard enough in direct and indirect ways to achieve a goal in life. Some of us have been successful in getting what they want, others have been finding it hard to get even one third of what they strive to get due to many factors, and therefore find themselves in a situation that we can summarize in two words: Why me?

Personally speaking, I have crossed the “Why me” Situation many times in my life and I know many people who have experienced such a “being lost” situation when making decisions about a career change, marriage, dating, divorce, traveling, having babies… Especially at today’s world when going on one direction has become almost impossible and a person is often obliged to make a stop at different junctions and ask for directions to be sure he or she is on the right road to his or her destination.

Through my article I would like to specify the fact that we are all humans and being lost at a certain point in life is totally a natural aspect that can be treated with many ways apart from sitting and repeating the phrase : I feel lost or reproaching one self by saying why me?

There are simple baby steps that each one of us needs to follow to jump out of such a situation and welcome a life full of satisfaction. I always insist on the fact that happiness starts from within, from us, from the way we see life and the way we thank God for what we have. The more we appreciate the little we have, the more we will get, and the happier we will become. Thus, our worries, and our loss will start to gradually dismantle and eventually disappear.

If you are currently feeling lost about a situation, please remind yourself that it is just temporary, it might take days, months or years, and it will stop because you will find your road eventually and you will get to your happy goal. Then why being trapped in a self torture status when all you need to do is this:

1- Set a happy goal in life ( it is very simple (e.g): don’t make your goal only getting a job that pays off well, but make your goal getting a job about which you have a huge passion and love.)

2- Plan your life and your goal carefully ( I would say plan with both your mind and heart.)

3- Consult with the right people (sometimes in life, we need mentors, friends, people with whom we can have a little chat and refresh our ideas.)

4- Stop telling yourself I feel lost ( It will lead you nowhere)

5- Remind yourself all the time the following: what I need to do to get out of that vicious circle?( take action)

6- Restore your self esteem and listen to yourself ( only you can help yourself to achieve what you want)

7- Be closer to God ( the closer you are to God, the less confusion you will have)

8- Smile and Be happy J Life is too short, so make it full of passion and happy goals