Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Life transition: Mooving to the United States!

I know that i have been away from connecting with you through my blog for quite sometimes due to some professional and personal reasons that unfortuantely did not provide me with the opportunity to sit down and write on my blog. But here i am again, putting my blog as one of the top items on my to do list... Kind of funny right? So before i pour you again with my writings about human relationships topics, i want to put you in the picture of where i am right now in terms of my location, profesional life, goals, in a nutshel, give you some gossip about me :)

As Some of you know, i have mooved to the United States in February 2010. I am now living in Los Angeles California. A wonderful state to be in. I love it down here so much.. it is not my first time being in here though...But... there is always a but.. "i know nobody in the city"... and i am still "jobless". Yeah kind of frustrating to moove from a place where you had a job that you loved. (i used to work as a program coordinator for the Women in Technology Program), a family and a thousands of friends, to a place where you know mostly one or two people.

I tried to adjust to the situation. It was not an easy task tough despite all my endless efforts to find means to get out of my isolation. My daily job ( i mean 24/24) was sitting in front of the computer looking for social groups to join on meet, looking for jobs ( craiglist, idealist,carrerbuilder, linkedin,...) and looking for networking events to attend. For me this was the way to start making new connections and getting to know more people. It was an easy task to do, but rather very challenging.

Why challenging? well simply because, among all the job applications that i have been sending out on a daily basis , i get basiclly no responses. I doubted my resume, i doubted my cover letter and i seeked professional help for a well written resume and a cover letter. Yet, no responses!!! I did not loose hope and i kept knocking on the doors as we say. I tried online applications, random applications and physical applications. I registered with employment agencies... and i am still jobless, but i did not loose hope. So wish me luck!

On the social level, i managed to join some groups on meet and one of them is the LA Arabic club where i met some wonderful people.

On the networking side, i was able to locate some conferences , workshops, classes,.. i attended some and missed others. But one of the brilliant and outstanding conference that i believe i wont regret having attended is the 4th Annual West Hollywood Women's Leadership conference organised by the West Hollywood city council and entitled: Unlimited Opportunities, Fierce& Fabulous!

Stay tuned for more information about this amazing conference